Case studies

Many organizations, including nonprofits, donor networks, evaluators, impact investors and companies, choose ImpactMapper to track impact, inform strategy and measure success. Here are some of their stories.


Malala Fund

Since 2013, Malala Fund has been working for a world where every girl can learn and lead, investing in local education activists, advocating to hold leaders accountable and amplifying girls’ voices. ImpactMapper has been a learning partner for Malala Fund since 2019. We have led a workshop with Malala Fund staff on gender and inclusion in their programming by integrating gender and intersectional analysis into their grantmaking and influencing activities. We have supported the development of their Theory of Change, outcomes and metrics and reporting processes for all of their grantmaking portfolios. All Malala Fund MEL staff uses the ImpactMapper software. The MEL team and their grantees also participated in our storytelling trainings. In 2023, we created an Impact Report for the first year of the Girl Fund Programme with the Malala Fund team. Moreover, Malala Fund supported us with a $140,000 pilot grant to develop an equitable and practical application of AI to enable more efficient method of coding and learning from their qualitative, storytelling and impact data, with a focus on inclusiveness of voices from women and marginalized communities.


Impact Investor


Analysis Focus:

Portfolio Analysis

Accelerator Tracking

Impact Investment Tracking

Data Visualization

Our Role:

Consulting Services

Impact Report



Build Equity for Alignment and Environmental Justice (BEA)

Build Equity for Alignment and Environmental Justice (BEA) is a grassroots-led organization that works to transform the environmental movement by shifting power and resources to frontline communities. ImpactMapper has been BEA’s MEL partner since 2021. We have supported the participatory development and implementation of its Theory of Change, impact framework, reporting forms and processes for the organization, and grants made through the BEA Fund. We have also led participatory MEL training and capacity sessions with BEA Fund grantees around storytelling methodology for impact tracking. In 2023, we collected the first year of data from their grantees on the ImpactMapper software platform, produced BEA’s first annual impact report, and developed messages and analysis to support advocacy on the importance of funding environmental justice.




Analysis Focus:

Portfolio Analysis

Theory of Change

Impact Metrics

Impact Metrics


Data Visualization

Our Role:

Consulting Services

Impact Report




Charge Incubator, based in Oslo, Norway hired ImpactMapper to conduct an assessment of the impact of their incubator program from 2017-2020. The ImpactMapper team, conducted interviews with a sample of companies and startup ecosystem actors in addition to collecting data from the companies through the ImpactMapper survey tool. The analysis resulted in the following Impact Report.


Impact Investor


Analysis Focus:

Portfolio Analysis

Accelerator Tracking

Impact Investment Tracking

Data Visualization

Our Role:

Consulting Services

Impact Report



For the past 50 years, UNFPA has been supporting reproductive health care for women and youth, gender-based violence prevention and family planning facilitation in more than 150 countries.  ImpactMapper completed a synthesis evaluation of 57 country UNFPA program reports to take stock of lessons learned around three transformative results: ending maternal mortality, eliminating gender based violence and harmful practices and ensuring access to family planning. The synthesis findings were launched at UNFPA’s 50th anniversary and shed light on UNFPA’s global impact and lessons learned. The full report and the Lessons Learned policymaking brief can be found here.




Analysis Focus:

Portfolio Analysis

Accelerator Tracking

Impact Investment Tracking

Data Visualization

Our Role:

Consulting Services

Impact Report



The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) used ImpactMapper to conduct a meta-synthesis of 105 Independent Country Programme Evaluations over a period of 15 years, from 2002-2017. The reports were coded, categorized and organized according to evaluation questions based on the OECD-DAC criteria and allowed for comparison and correlation, capturing factors that influence and affect results in the areas of poverty reduction, governance, environment and climate change. The ImpactMapper consulting team worked in close collaboration with IEO’s team to conduct the coding and the visualization of analysis. The report can be found here.




Analysis Focus:



Outcome Analysis

Data Visualization

Report Analysis

Report Production

Our Role:

Consulting Services

ImpactMapper License


The Strengthening Communities through Integrated Programming project, funded by USAID and implemented by Pathfinder Mozambique, undertook a five-year sequential mixed methods study led by Claire Cole to understand the factors contributing to notable increases in institutional deliveries— associated with improved maternal and child health outcomes. Recognizing the versatility of ImpactMapper, the team used the platform to analyze in depth interviews with traditional birth attendants, nurses, community leaders, and beneficiaries. The resulting analysis was published in Reproductive Health in August, 2018.



Analysis Focus:


Mixed Methods

Outcome Analysis

Data Visualization

Interview and Focus Group Analysis

Our Role:

ImpactMapper License



PAWHR used ImpactMapper to collect and analyze all grants made in the network in 2018 and 2019. This has equipped them to learn about shared areas of funding, synergies and gaps that can influence and strengthen grantmaking in the future. PAWHR also used IM to conduct a grantee perception survey in 2017.



Donor Networks

Analysis Focus:

Grant Database

Data Visualization

Grants Analysis

Grantee Perception Surveys

Survey Development

Taxonomy Development

Report Production

Our Role:

ImpactMapper License

Consulting Services


Oxfam International

Oxfam International used ImpactMapper to conduct a meta-analysis of evaluation reports and learning documents. This enabled them to systematically assess progress in achieving their strategic plan goal on shifting norms related to gender based violence. Also, using our platform, they collected and analyzed interview data according to Oxfam's key outcomes.



Analysis Focus:



Report Analysis

Outcomes Analysis

Data Visualization

Strategic Planning

Report Production

Our Role:

Consulting Services

ImpactMapper License


Oak Foundation

Oak Foundation’s Issues Affecting Women Program (IAWP) were collecting grantees’ progress and final reports in Word document formats that did not allow them analyze and compare outcome trends easily. They engaged with ImpactMapper to analyze these Word reports through our tool. This enabled them to tag the data with their current Theory of Change outcomes to see key trends. They have piloted collecting their progress and final reports through ImpactMapper’s survey tools, which gives them instant access to aggregate progress, results and visualizations of their grantmaking portfolios. In addition, the IAWP has granted ImpactMapper licenses to 40 of its grantees and 3 intermediaries for two years to strengthen their monitoring and evaluation capacity, track and visualize their progress, identify areas for deeper attention and support organizational and programmatic learning.




Analysis Focus:

Grants Database and Analysis

Grant Progress Tracking

Data Visualization

Grantee Report Analysis

Mixed Methods

Qualitative Coding

Story of Change Analysis

Report Production

Theory of Change and Outcomes Framework Creation

License Regranting

Our Role:

Consulting Services

Consulting Services


Oak Foundation

+impact accelerator

+impact accelerator, based in Copenhagen Denmark is using ImpactMapper to track week-over-week progress of their companies in the four month accelerator program. In addition, they are using our product to track the impact of their accelerator program. +impact also uses ImpactMapper to collect feedback from participating companies on the quality of their weekly lectures and programming which is an essential component for program improvement.


Impact Investor


Analysis Focus:

Portfolio Analysis

Accelerator Tracking

Impact Investment Tracking

Data Visualization

Weekly and Semi-annual Tracking of Company KPIs

Our Role:

Consulting Services

ImpactMapper License


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