ImpactMapper Surveys

The ideal, easy-to-use survey platform simplifies impact tracking for nonprofit, researcher, and corporate CSR teams

Only $75 per user per month.

Sign up

Design surveys to track impact and much more

We are the only survey tool on the market that is specifically designed for assessing projects and grantmaking/investment portfolios with flexibility for a variety of other purposes. Create surveys to collect data on staff, partner or customer satisfaction, quantitative and qualitative research and evaluation studies, calls for proposals, pre- and post- testing, user-experience, and even grantee or company reporting.

Custom impact tracking surveys
Custom impact tracking surveys

Send multilingual surveys for instant analysis

We support all 639 ISO languages! Gather responses easily from respondents around the world using short text, long text, single choice, multiple choice, single matrix, numerical, financial values fields, and more. Data is instantly visualized against the default language you set. No more copying and pasting survey data from different languages into one file for analysis.

Data visualizations at your fingertips

Instantly visualize and analyze survey data. Review and compare survey responses using built-in charts, filters, cross-tabs and tables. You can also customize charts by color, size of image, download format (png, jpg, pdf) and more.

Custom impact tracking surveys

Trusted by the leading brands

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ImpactMapper Surveys


Etiam sodales ac felis id interdum
Import grant, individual, partner, and funding data in CSV or import existing Fluxx grants and grantee data
Etiam sodales ac felis id interdum
Filter and sort your data by region, issue,focus area, etc
Etiam sodales ac felis id interdum
Export in CSV
Etiam sodales ac felis id interdum
Create grant or partner linked projects or a normal project
Etiam sodales ac felis id interdum
Manage multiple projects supporting different sets of data, stakeholders, and tagging taxonomies
Etiam sodales ac felis id interdum
Upload reports in Docx and Pdfs

All ImpactMapper features




Import & Manage Grant, Individual,or Partner Data

  • Import grant, individual, partner, and funding data in CSV or import existing Fluxx grants and grantee data
  • Filter and sort your data by region, issue,focus area, etc
  • Export in CSV

Create and Manage Multiple Projects

  • Create grant or partner linked projects or a normal project
  • Manage multiple projects supporting different sets of data, stakeholders, and tagging taxonomies

Analyze Text and Report Data

  • Upload reports in Docx and Pdfs
  • Tag text in reports and align with your custom taxonomies or outcomes (i.e., Tags)
  • Pull out numbers and financial information in text and get sums and average for charting
  • Search and tag text within the report (content analysis)
  • Save quotes from reports
  • Engage in inductive and deductive coding through the text tagging tool
  • Tagging text data allows for quantification of text and charting of trends
  • Automatic import of interview transcripts through Trint API

Access Data Summary Dashboards

  • Map grants, individuals or partners by location
  • Filter the map based on custom criteria
  • Dashboard summary of financial data trends by country or region
  • Aggregated summary of tags

Create Charts

  • Create compelling charts using your reports, survey, grants, funding and tag data
  • Choose from a column, bar, line, area, pie, stacked, combo, bubble, heatmap, scatter and hybrid chart types
  • Export data tables as CSV
  • Save and access configured charts anytimefor live up-to-date reporting

Measure Impact Using Tags

  • Track outcomes in qualitative and quantitative data using text, quantity, currency, location, and date Tag types
  • Automatically apply tags to incoming survey responses
  • Tag text within reports and surveys
  • Review and manage your tag taxonomies
  • Review applied tags and associated text for easier and more accurate impact reporting

Create and Share Custom Surveys

  • Collect data using short text, long text, single choice, multiple choice, single matrix, numerical, financial, rating fields
  • Easily customize your survey structure and contents using header, sub-header, text, section break elements
  • Multilingual features allow you to add your survey translations and get instant analysis
  • Tag open-ended survey questions to better track trends in text responses and align your custom taxonomies and outcomes
  • Save quotes that are compelling for reporting and sharing your impact
  • Instant real-time visualization of survey responses, using 5 built-in customizable charts, filters, and tables
  • Instant real-time visualization of survey responses, using 8 built-in customizable charts, filters, and tables
  • Easy survey sharing through public or personalized permalinks for the respondents or QR codes
  • Send out over-time series surveys, pre-post surveys
  • Access instant visualization from crosstabs in a survey
  • Full export of survey responses in PDF  and CSV
  • Easily export chart as PNG, PDF, SVG and others for a variety of formats like print, presentation and web
  • Customize your survey with a logo
  • Design and carry out public, private, or anonymous surveys
  • Attach documents to surveys

Manage Your Account & Organization

  • Manage a custom dictionary to support your organizational vocabulary
  • Enable 2FA authentication to secure your account
  • Multi-user project access within an organization


Individual & Non-ProfitIndividual & Non-ProfitFoundation & CorporateFoundation & Corporate



per month

$855 per year

For nonprofits, researchers, companies, or impact investors that need the survey tool and analysis, and visualization features only. Upgrade for access to text and financial analysis tools.

Sign up
  • Access to Surveys only
  • 1 user
  • Each additional user is $25/month
  • Note: Licenses are for the entire year. 
    You can choose to break the payment into 12 installments at $75/month (plus extra users if any) or pay all at once and get a 5% discount.
  • Add-on:
    AI automatic summary and writeup of charts in surveys: $50/month (coming in 2025)
Buy Now



per month

$5,500 per year

For small foundations under 5 million USD, and nonprofits that want the full ImpactMapper suite with financial, text and survey data collection, analysis, and visualization tools.  

  • Up to 5 users
  • Access to all ImpactMapper features
  • Each additional user is $1000/year
  • Add-on:
    AI automatic summary and writeup of charts: $200/month (coming in 2025)

    AI autotagging of text data with your custom taxonomy $150/month (coming in 2025)
  • One time data transfer fee of $2,500* (waived if no data)
  • Note: Licenses are for the entire year. 
    You can choose to break the payment into 12 installments at $500/month (plus extra users, if any) or pay all at once and get a 5% discount on the total cost.   
Buy Now



per month

$14,250 per year

For foundations 5 - 35 million USD and networks that want the full ImpactMapper suite with financial, text and survey data collection, analysis, and visualization tools. 

  • Up to 5 users
  • Access to all ImpactMapper features
  • Each additional user is $1000/year
  • Add-on:
    AI automatic summary and writeup of charts: $300/month (coming in 2025)

    AI autotagging of text data with your custom taxonomy $200/month (coming in 2025)
  • One time data transfer fee of $5000* (waived if no data)

    Note: 25% of the annual license fee goes into a fund that supports free ImpactMapper survey licenses for smaller non-profits in the Global South that cannot afford them, and to support the sustainability of impact through the development of tech and wellness events for social justice organizations. 
  • Note: Licenses are for the entire year. 
    You can choose to break the payment into 12 installments at $500/month (plus extra users, if any) or pay all at once and get a 5% discount on the total cost.   
Buy Now




per year

Paid annually

Sign upComing soon
  • Access to all ImpactMapper features
  • 2 users
  • $1,000 per extra user per year
  • For more 5 users, contact us for special pricing
  • One time data transfer fee $2500* (waived if no data)




per year

Paid annually

Contact us
  • Access to all ImpactMapper features
  • 4 users
  • $2,000 per extra user*
  • Up to 10 users, contact us for special pricing
  • One time data transfer fee $5000 * (waived if no data)




per year

Paid annually

Contact us
  • Access to all ImpactMapper features
  • 7 users
  • $2,000 per extra user per year
  • Up to 5 users
  • One time data transfer fee of $7,500* (waived if no data)


Contact us