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February 17, 2021
In the fight for human rights, gender equality or climate change, change trajectories often are long-term, non-linear, complex, and involve multiple actors. Standardised quantitative indicators alone often do a poor job at capturing these longer term and normative changes.
People's voices and stories of change are too often missing from monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks, beyond anecdotes or a few quotes.
ImpactMapper is organising a webinar to share tips and case studies for how you can create story databases in a more systematic way and analyse changes within them at an aggregate level. And yet his data is central to effective impact measurement.
Join our webinar to learn practical insights to leverage storytelling for M&E and Impact Reporting. Alexandra Pittman, PhD (ImpactMapper) will share experiences and tips around how to collect, select and analyze stories of change in more systematic ways to strengthen impact measurement and management.
Date February 25th 17:00PM (CET)
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