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December 4, 2020
We are excited to release of the Gender Results Effectiveness Scale (GRES) methodology note with the UNDP international Evaluation Office (IEO) and announce our partnership!! This work provides an important contribution to greater specificity in the gender lens philanthropy and investing conversation. ImpactMapper's Founder, Alexandra Pittman, PhD, developed the GRES for UNDP in 2015 for their global thematic evaluation on gender equality and gender mainstreaming over a five year period.
The aim of the GRES is to deepen a gender lens by providing operational definitions and marking distinctions between different types of results. Too often in gender equality work, people treat all results the same, but that is not the case. The GRES allows groups and evaluators to speak in more granularity about results; for example, is the result primarily focused on counting the number of men or women (gender targeted), or is it truly moving to shifting power and gendered social norms in communities or institutions (gender transformative)? These are two of the five GRES result categorizations. The GRES was published on UNDP IEO's site in 3 languages, English, French,and Spanish. This work strengthens gender lens investing and funding through metric development.
The GRES has had great uptake in UNDP and across diverse UN agencies and beyond in the evaluation community. More guidance with concrete examples from UN agencies is to come! Stay tuned!