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December 18, 2019
Hello friends!
This year has been full of growth, successes and lessons for our team, clients and the communities with whom we share and serve.
We are continuously motivated by the inspiring work that our clients are contributing to, and feel so privileged to learn about the diverse and impactful social change initiatives around the globe.
As we come to the end of 2019, we wanted to share with you a few highlights related to our growth and some exciting new projects we have planned for 2020!
This momentum is already being carried over into 2020 as we deepen our collaborations with you all - the communities that share our values - and find ways to leverage each other's unique roles.
Our new data collection initiative, The Key to Change, seeks to collect evidence from women’s rights and women’s movement building organizations and their progress towards achieving the SDGs. Through this project, we aim to strengthen the evidence base of global achievements, and profile their inspiring work to help them get the support and funding they deserve. Join us: read the blog post and share with your colleagues and networks.
Survey is available in English, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese, French and Spanish
ImpactMapper recognizes that social impact begins on the ground, by and for communities eager to affect transformative change. We are supporting these efforts by launching the ImpactMapper Fellowship Program. Are you a non-profit organization doing meaningful work to affect change in your community? Do you need support to effectively and efficiently manage, collect, analyze and share your impact? If so, then consider applying by January 31, 2020!
P.S. One more thing! Learn more about how ImpactMapper works: check out our new video created by our friends at Explainly: