We held an Impact Data Chat today focused on ethics in AI to optimize impact reporting. Frameworks, innovations, data security and privacy issues were centrally discussed. It was a lively and insightful exchange of ideas among diverse participants from the foundation, corporate, and monitoring and evaluation sectors. Below is a list of AI tools that are being constantly updated. Please feel free to share other tools we should add.
Ethics in AI Frameworks
Organizations working and monitoring ethics in AI
AI Innovations
- Causal Map
- Tech Soup: Data Commons https://datacommons.techsoup.org/
- Blackbaud automated translation in their grants management software
- b.World uses a range of different AI tools in their software to expedite reporting processes, including draft content for a project, logic model or story for AI using open ai and visualising data and log frame trends
- Candid leverages AI in its news feed and also focuses on reporting on misinformation
- Digital Science, has a range of AI summary tools, including Dimensions for scientific publications including tracking the trustworthiness of the research
- Google Crisis Response is a platform that provides critical and timely information and resources during times of disasters, natural calamities, and other crisis or emergency situations. The platform can provide interactive crisis maps, notifications/alerts and latest news about the emergency situation, missing person finder, and information on where to donate or provide relief assistance.
- ImpactMapper is developing equitable AI tools to automate aspects of social impact tracking, specifically coding text data, such as grantee reports and evaluations.. A user can upload their custom impact metrics, theory of change, or SDGs and the tool suggests pieces of text that align with those outcomes, allowing for quicker analysis and visualization of trends. In December 2024, we launched two new AI features:
- Instant Survey Translation: Say goodbye to expensive translation costs. ImpactMapper surveys are now powered with auto-translation, allowing you to translate your surveys to most languages with a click of a button!
- Instant AI Insights: Real-time data analysis of surveys just got even faster (and sweeter!) with AI Insights! This feature automatically generates key insights from your data and charts - significantly reducing time spent analyzing survey data and boosting your overall efficiency and productivity.
- Impala is an AI driven tool to explore and map relationships and networks in the nonprofits and philanthropic sector
- OSDG.AI is an open-source AI tool that helps users assign SDG labels to the content of uploaded reports or other text-based inputs to the platform
- Salesforce embeds AI in its CRM and reporting features.
- SBC Impact Designer is an open-source digital platform that integrates AI. The platform supports social and behavior change (SBC) interventions by providing guidance in the design, plan, management, and evaluation of an organization’s SBC program. This is developed by Amplio and the platform will be beta tested by the second half of 2023.
- Signpost Initiative. IRC´s humanitarian application provides accurate and timely information for people in crisis, using AI.
- Smart Simple uses AI to support drafting grant applications, translating applications and reports.
- Uli uses machine learning technology to hide abusive content, gender-based, and racial and ethnic slurs on Twitter.
Other Innovations and Use Cases for Storytelling, Impact Tracking, and Development Work
- Using machine learning with Python for predictive analysis; but this predominantly uses statistics rather than AI.
- A participatory phone-based technology used for a humanitarian project. It served as a listening tool to quickly identify the priority needs of girls and boys during emergency responses.
- A transcription technology used as a monitoring tool to track hate speeches or racial slurs in conversations on local radio stations; data can be used in designing and implementing advocacy campaigns.
- Platform to conduct due diligence on grant applications and gather impact information. Combined with other technology (such as ChatGPT), the data gathered was also used for awareness-raising campaigns or marketing initiatives.
- Implementing an AI model that will help assess grant proposals in a non-biased way by taking into consideration local voices, situations, and nuances.
- Multi-language transcription tool, cause right now, transcription technology can mostly accommodate only the English language.
- A platform that will suggest indicators aligned with certain outcomes; or those that could suggest key messages aligned with an organization’s communication strategy and target audience.