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September 2, 2019
ImpactMapper is thrilled to announce a new research project, focusing on building the evidence base of global women’s rights movements’ outcomes and exploring their alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)!
It’s an exciting time to focus on this relationship with so many inspiring women’s rights movements and organizations around the world advancing transformative social change, peace and equality and justice. The project will focus specifically on collecting data from a long-term perspective, and understanding what has worked and what has not in achieving their goals. We will also be exploring the extent to which women’s rights movements and groups are framing their work with the SDGs and highlight effective innovations in this space.
The ImpactMapper team will work together with over 300 groups over 15 months to collect data to strengthen the evidence base of contributions of women’s rights groups to the SDGs; improve the data analysis and outcome monitoring of qualitative data; and disseminate our findings to build knowledge with our partners.
We’ll kick off with a series of workshops, and move on to the research and communications phase. We’ll prepare a publicly available report with the key findings, and share a specially designed interactive data portal.
Throughout the project, we’ll share case studies, stories, and important information with you through the blog. Since we want this incredible project to contribute to learning in the field, we’d love for you to be involved, to hear your thoughts on how it’s all going, and what you feel is most important for your organisation — please fill out our online survey, email us or comment below!